Monday, January 28, 2008

Welcome to CS 80!

This blog will be used for class notes to help clarify some of the harder concepts of the class. You are welcomed to comment any post you like and ask questions.

We also have a listserve that you can join where I will make announcements and you are encouraged to ask questions. The tutors and other lab instructors are also members of the listserve and may make their own announcements and answer questions as needed. I am hoping that this will make things easier for us to keep in touch.

You can join by using the below:
Google Groups
Subscribe to QC CS 80

Visit this group

We have one tutor for CS 80 this semester: Alex Maureau. Emails can be found under the ``Contacts'' section of the class website. The tutoring schedule will be up later. There are also two other lab instructors for the evening section: Daniel Gutlove (T/Th eve) and Smitha Kakkuzhi (M/W eve) whose contact information is also found on the class website. Office hours will be posted later, as will the schedule.

The first lab is: See you on Tuesday!

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