Dim arrayName(r,c) As Type
Where arrayName is the name of the array you have created and Type is the array's type. The subscripts r and c represent the Row and Column of the array.
So we could declare an array as type double to hold students' grades:
Dim grades(3,3) As Double
'Four students with four grades
This creates a 4x4 matrix with rows and columns starting at 0 and ending at 3:
0 1 2 3
0 | | | | |
1 | | | | |
2 | | | | |
3 | | | | |
We can set any cell in the array by issuing a call such as:
grades(1,1) = 90
grades(3,0) = 99
grades(1,0) = 100
With the above code our resulting matrix will look like:
0 1 2 3
0 | | | | |
1 |100| 90| | |
2 | | | | |
3 |99 | | | |
If we wanted to set all the cells to a particular value, such as 0 for example, we would have to use a nested loop:
For i As Integer=0 To 3
For j As Integer=0 To 3
grades(i,j) = 0
We can also declare the 2-dimensional array without a size as we can with regular arrays:
Dim arrayName(,) As Type
Dim array2(,) As Type = {{ROW0},{ROW1},{ROW2},...,{ROWm}}
ReDim arrayName(r,s)
ReDim Preserve arrayName(r,s)
Real Examples:
Dim grades(,) = {{99,50,80},{100,80,70},{90,88,90}}
ReDim Preserve grades(3,4)
There are two different GetUpperBound calls for 2-dimensional arrays:
The first call gives you the upperbound on the number of rows, while the second one gives you the upperbound on the number of columns.
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