Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Student Grades Example

Today we talked about dealing with student grades using arrays. We would have an array that would hold the students' identifying information (such as name or ID number) and then arrays for all of the students' grades. Remember, these are called Parallel Arrays.


Public Class Form1
'Global Variables:
Dim students(5) As String
Dim hw1(5) As Double
Dim hw2(5) As Double
Dim hw3(5) As Double

We have declared these arrays as Global so that we will be able to use them in all subroutines, and also so that we will not loose the information stored in them for the duration of the program. Here are what the resulting arrays look like:

0 1 2 3 4
| | | | | |

0 1 2 3 4
| | | | | |

0 1 2 3 4
| | | | | |

0 1 2 3 4
| | | | | |

As we can see, Student1's information will reside in index 1 of all the arrays.


We wrote two subroutines, one to get the information from the user and one to find and print the information for a particular student.

Here is the code for getting the student information:

Sub form_load()
For i As Integer=0 To students.GetUpperBound(0)
students(i) = InputBox("Enter student " & _
CStr(i) & "'s name:")
hw1(i) = CDbl(InputBox("Enter homework 1:"))
hw2(i) = CDbl(InputBox("Enter homework 2:"))
hw3(i) = CDbl(InputBox("Enter homework 3:"))
End Sub

Here is the code for a linear search of a student:

Sub btnSearch_Click()
Dim sname As String
Dim found As Boolean = False
sname = InputBox("Enter student's name:")
For i As Integer = 0 To students.GetUpperBound(0)
If sname = students(i) Then
found = True
Exit For

End If

If Not found Then
MsgBox("Student not found",,"")
End If
End Sub

2-Dimensional Conversion

We can convert the 1-dimensional grade parallel arrays into a two dimensional array. The names of the students must remain a separate 1-dimensional array, however since its type is different. Here are the declarations:

Public Class Form1
'Global Variables:
Dim students(5) As String

Declare hw() with 3 rows and 5 columns:
Dim hw(3,5) As Double

Resulting in the following arrays:

0 1 2 3 4
| | | | | |

0 1 2 3 4
0 | | | | | |
1 | | | | | |
2 | | | | | |

Rewritten Code

In the hw() array, each row represents a HW grade and each column represents the grades for each student. Now we will rewrite our subroutines:

Sub Form_Load()
For i As Integer=0 To students.GetUpperBound(0)
students(i) = InputBox("Enter student " & _
CStr(i) & "'s name:")
hw(0,i) = CDbl(InputBox("Enter homework 1:"))
hw(1,i) = CDbl(InputBox("Enter homework 2:"))
hw(2,i) = CDbl(InputBox("Enter homework 3:"))
End Sub

Here is the code for a linear search of a student:

Sub btnSearch_Click()
Dim sname As String
Dim found As Boolean = False
sname = InputBox("Enter student's name:")
For i As Integer = 0 To students.GetUpperBound(0)
If sname = students(i) Then
found = True
Exit For

End If

If Not found Then
MsgBox("Student not found",,"")
End If
End Sub

If we wanted to reduce the three lines dealing with the HW grades into one line, we could add another For loop to loop through the grades:

Sub Form_Load()
For i As Integer=0 To students.GetUpperBound(0)
students(i) = InputBox("Enter student " & _
CStr(i) & "'s name:")
For j As Integer=0 To hw.GetUpperBound(0)
hw(j,i) = CDbl(InputBox("Enter homework " & CStr(j)))
End Sub

Here is the code for a linear search of a student:

Sub btnSearch_Click()
Dim sname As String
Dim found As Boolean = False
sname = InputBox("Enter student's name:")
For i As Integer = 0 To students.GetUpperBound(0)
If sname = students(i) Then
For j As Integer=0 To hw.GetUpperBound(0)
found = True
Exit For

End If

If Not found Then
MsgBox("Student not found",,"")
End If
End Sub


Remember for 1-dimensional arrays the .GetUpperBound() function returns the number of the last possible index so:

returns 4.

For 2-dimensional arrays we have two indeces in which we are interested: one that indicates the highest index of rows, and one that indicates the highest index of columns. Therefore there are two possible GetUpperBound() calls:

'Get the last index of rows
'Get the last index of columns

We have used this in our rewritten subroutines above.

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